Browse Items (173 total)

Date: 2016/07/31
The Midatlantic performing at Stand Against HB2 Concert in Wilmington, North Carolina
The Midatlantic.jpg

Date: 2016/07/31
Matt Hirschy volunteers at Stand Against HB2 concert in Wilmington, North Carolina.
Matt Hirschy - EqualityNC and volunteer.jpg

Date: 2016/07/31
Videographer Gregory Silva at the Stand Against HB2 Concert in Wilmington, North Carolina.
Gregory Silva - videographer.jpg

Date: 2016/07/31
Laura McLean performing at Stand Against HB2 concert in Wilmington, North Carolina.
Laura McLean.jpg

Date: 2016/09/24
This was taken at NC Pride in Durham.

Date: 2016/09/24
Float at NC Pride in Durham

Date: 2016/00/00
I really feel this graphic is one of the more important ones I've made. It's not humorous, or biting, but shows ACTUAL local discrimination ordinances which were overturned by HB2.....
discrimination ordinancesfinal.jpg

Date: 2016/09/00
This was from September 2016. The Air Horn orchestra is still going strong, giving performances outside the Gov's Mansion each Wednesday night. I can hear them from my house!!! I love their creativity, and their volume!
air horn orchestrameme.jpg
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