Janice Covington Allison Bathroom Selfie
Janice Covington Allison Bathroom Selfie
Janice Covington Allison Bathroom Selfie at the Charlotte Mecklenburg Government Center
This photo is a selfie that I took in the bathroom at the Charlotte Mecklenburg Government Center which is another public building that I am not allowed to use the ladies room in. [Editor's Note: Allison is a long-time transgender activist. On February 29, she was ejected from a restroom at the Charlotte Mecklenburg Governmental Center after speaking at a public hearing on the nondiscrimination ordinance cited by state lawmakers as the inspiration for HB2. For more information, see this story in the Charlotte Observer: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/politics-government/article12313151.html. Her work on protesting HB2 by using the womens' room in public buildings and businesses has been the subject of news coverage. One article may be found in Qnotes: http://goqnotes.com/46373/in-focus-charlotte-2016-transgender-activist-compiles-bathroom-safe-venue-list/]
Contributed by Tammy Gordon at the request of Janice Covington Allison
gordontammy5, “Janice Covington Allison Bathroom Selfie,” NC HB2: A Citizens' History, accessed March 12, 2025, https://nchb2history.omeka.chass.ncsu.edu/items/show/140.