Browse Items (173 total)

Date: 2016/06/26
The staging schedule for the Stand Against HB2 Concert in Winston-Salem, NC.
Winston-Salem Staging Schedule_Ver  7_6-7-16.docx

Date: 2016/05/25
LGBT Center sticker on tuba, Air Horn Orchestra demonstration, 5/25/16.
Tuba Sticker

Date: 2016/06/02
Taken on Highway 49 near Mt. Pleasant on June 2, 2016

Date: 2016/04/25
Protest at the Capital Building while congress was in session, April 25th 2016. Led by the NAACP, protestors engaged in sit ins and symbolic sit ins.
Teach-In at the Legislature Building

Date: 2016/07/31
The Midatlantic performing at Stand Against HB2 Concert in Wilmington, North Carolina
The Midatlantic.jpg

Date: 2016/06/01
Air Horn Orchestra playing outside the Governor's Mansion on June 1, 2016
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